Monday, May 25, 2015

My Girl

Dear Lila,

I haven't really done anything to encourage it, but you are still a total girly girl. When I am in the bathroom putting on makeup, you like to sit behind me on the step stool and mimic me. When you see me put on earrings and a necklace, you ask for them, too, by saying, "Me, too!" The UPS delivery person rang our doorbell one day and the package was a new pair of sandals I had ordered for you. The next day, we received another package that wasn't for you but when you heard the doorbell ring, your eyes widened, you jumped up and started shouting, "New shoes! New shoes! New shoes!"

This morning, PoiPoi dressed you in a new summer dress and you came into my room and announced with your arms stretched out at your sides, "Ta-da! Dress!" :)


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