Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sweet Sayings

Dear Lila,

Sweet things you have said recently:

-While we were eating dinner one night, you walked over to me, whispered, "Tell you something," pulled my face down so that it was close to yours and whispered in my ear, "Love you, too."

-We were reading together when you suddenly said to me, "Best friend ever seen you." (Translation: You're the best friend I've ever seen.)

-After your shower tonight, you were able to put your pajama shirt and shorts on all on your own and once you'd done so, you exclaimed, "Self!"


Monday, June 22, 2015

JieJie Here

Dear Lila,

I had to put your baby brother in his bassinet while I went to the bathroom and when he started crying loudly, you went over to him, patted his tummy and said, "JieJie here. JieJie here." So sweet!


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Messy Day

Dear Lila,

It was sunny today so when you were leaving to go to the playground with your nanny, I told you to wear your Elsa baseball cap. You shook your head no, pointed at your hair and said, "Messy." Ex-squeeze me?? Since when did you learn to care about whether your hair gets messy?!

And speaking of messy, you made a bit of a mess in GuhGaw's room today. You have been wearing underwear instead of diapers for several days now and have been doing really well with potty training. This afternoon, you ran up to me to tell me that you had to pee. But I was in the middle of changing DiDi's diaper, so I couldn't take you to that bathroom in time and you ran over to GuhGaw's tool bench toy and peed all over it. Oye.


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Lil Bit?

Dear Lila,

The infamously insatiable appetites of teenage boys have got nothing on you! You can easily polish off an adult-sized portion of food and once you've done that, you sometimes even ask for more food! When I fear your stomach is going to explode, I cut you off, but you make it hard to deny you food when you ask for it so cutely.

Exhibit A: GuhGaw was eating a bag of fruit snacks and you asked him for some even though you'd already eaten a whole bag by yourself. I said you couldn't have anymore and you said, "Share nice!" (Translation: But it's nice to share!)

Exhibit B: You'd gulped down an entire adult-sized smoothie and then asked me for some of my smoothie. I said no and you tipped your head to the side and said in this sweet, high-pitched voice, "Me peas. [Give some to me, please.] Lil bit? Lil bit?" You even held up your thumb and forefinger to indicate the "little bit" of smoothie you wanted. Gah, how could I refuse?!


Friday, June 12, 2015

Big Sis

Dear Lila,

You are officially a big sister! Your baby brother was born last week and you are so smitten with him. When Daddy and I brought him home from the hospital, your face lit up when you first saw him and you kept smiling and pointing at him and saying, "Baby! Baby!" You also keep saying, "Me hold!" and look soooo happy when I put DiDi on your lap so you can hold him. You and GuhGaw have been fawning over DiDi and petting him a lot (yes, like he's a puppy!) and have even lifted up your shirts and asked to feed him, too, when you see me nurse him, haha! When he opens his eyes and then closes them, you say "see more" because you like to see his eyes. And every time you look at DiDi, you tell me that he's "so cute" and when I asked you if you love your baby brother, you replied,"So much." *melt*

Since meeting DiDi, you have helped me feed him a bottle of milk and burp him, read to him when he started crying, sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" to him--complete with all the hand gestures--and, on multiple occasions, put your fingers on either side of your mouth and pulled your mouth outward to make a silly face and get your brother to laugh. You are already such an awesome big sis!

And in other milestones news, today you wore undies for the first time:

As you can see from the photo, you are quite excited about going diaper-free!


Monday, June 1, 2015

Mirror, Mirror

Dear Lila,

I love how anything can be turned into a form of entertainment when you're a little kid. This morning, you stood in front of my mirror and amused yourself for quite some time by smiling at, waving at and playing peekaboo with your own reflection.
