Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Messy Day

Dear Lila,

It was sunny today so when you were leaving to go to the playground with your nanny, I told you to wear your Elsa baseball cap. You shook your head no, pointed at your hair and said, "Messy." Ex-squeeze me?? Since when did you learn to care about whether your hair gets messy?!

And speaking of messy, you made a bit of a mess in GuhGaw's room today. You have been wearing underwear instead of diapers for several days now and have been doing really well with potty training. This afternoon, you ran up to me to tell me that you had to pee. But I was in the middle of changing DiDi's diaper, so I couldn't take you to that bathroom in time and you ran over to GuhGaw's tool bench toy and peed all over it. Oye.


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