Saturday, June 13, 2015

Lil Bit?

Dear Lila,

The infamously insatiable appetites of teenage boys have got nothing on you! You can easily polish off an adult-sized portion of food and once you've done that, you sometimes even ask for more food! When I fear your stomach is going to explode, I cut you off, but you make it hard to deny you food when you ask for it so cutely.

Exhibit A: GuhGaw was eating a bag of fruit snacks and you asked him for some even though you'd already eaten a whole bag by yourself. I said you couldn't have anymore and you said, "Share nice!" (Translation: But it's nice to share!)

Exhibit B: You'd gulped down an entire adult-sized smoothie and then asked me for some of my smoothie. I said no and you tipped your head to the side and said in this sweet, high-pitched voice, "Me peas. [Give some to me, please.] Lil bit? Lil bit?" You even held up your thumb and forefinger to indicate the "little bit" of smoothie you wanted. Gah, how could I refuse?!


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