Friday, February 19, 2016

Slow and Steady

Dear Lila,

I love your independence and self-efficiency, I really do, but when it's time for you to take a shower and GuhGaw is waiting so that I can help him with his shower after your shower and DiDi is starting to fuss in his crib and I just need you to get undressed, like, yesterday so that I can get all three of my kids cleaned, pajama'd, brushed and in bed but I can't because you say, "No, I can do it!" and insist on sitting down to slooooowly take off one sock, standing up to put it in the hamper, sitting down again to slooooowly take off the other sock, getting up to put that one in the hamper, plopping down yet again to slooooowly pull off your right pant leg before slooooowly pulling off your left pant leg and pushing me away when I attempt to assist you and make this painfully slow process go even a millisecond faster . . . OH DEAR GOD.


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