Monday, March 28, 2016

Crazy Day

Dear Lila,

So here's how yesterday went:

-At 7am in the morning, GuhGaw came into my room and told me he had wet his bed.

-I threw his pee-soaked clothes and bed linens into the laundry closet.

-Daddy showered GuhGaw and I checked on DiDi, who had also wet the bed.

-I threw his pee-soaked clothes and linens into the laundry closet and bathed him.

-Later in the morning, I sat down on the couch to nurse DiDi and he spit up on my shirt sleeve, his pants and the couch.

-I put our dirty clothes and the couch covers in the laundry closet.

-You got a splinter while playing in the attic with Daddy. No soiled laundry resulted but you did need a Band-Aid.

-After you went to bed at night, I heard you coughing. I checked on you and found you in bed, covered in your own vomit. I carried you out of bed and you continued to throw up on the floor. When I ran out to get some paper towels, you followed me, stepped in your vomit and tracked it across the room.

-Daddy mopped the floor. I showered you and put your super gross pajamas and bed linens in the laundry closet.

-I was getting clean sheets for your bed when you came running into the room. You tripped on your too-long pajama pants, which I had meant to roll up but didn't, and banged your mouth right on the sharp corner of the open dresser drawer. It cut your lip open and there was so much blood. I hugged you tightly and shrieked, "What is going ON with this day?!?!?"

-Your blood-stained shirt joined the straight-up MOUNTAIN of soiled pajamas, sheets, mattress pads, blankets and couch covers that was already in the laundry closet and I wanted to join the (clean) blanket on my bed and sleep for a month. Gaaaaaaaaaah!!!

I faced a never-ending laundry marathon but you definitely got the worst of it today. Nonetheless, you were your usual resilient self and bounced back quickly from each situation. Your lip must have hurt pretty badly but you only cried for a little bit and bravely stood there while Daddy put ice on it. Funny side note: GuhGaw knew you had banged your mouth and when he heard Daddy dumping the ice into your bathroom sink afterward, he called out from his bedroom, shocked and alarmed, "Were those Lila's teeth?!?"

Daddy came home tonight and asked me how my day was. Compared to yesterday? No one wet the bed, threw up or cut his or her lip so it was a definite success!


Monday, March 21, 2016

Big Laughs

Dear Lila,

I've said it so many times before and I'll say it again: You are growing so big so fast! I just bought some things for your summer wardrobe and since your current shirts, pants and shoes are already getting a little snug, I ordered the next sizes up: size 7 clothes and size 11 sandals. GuhGaw wears size 12 shoes but he still fits into his size 6 clothes so your clothes are officially bigger than your big brother's!

You are a big girl who also gives me big laughs with all of the funny things you do and say. Some recent examples:

-There was a hole in the knee of one of your leggings, so you went into the study, grabbed a piece of tape and put it over the hole.

-You found a dead ladybug in the play attic and told me, "Ladybug no coal." I didn't understand you and asked you, "Coal? What do you mean, the ladybug's not coal?" You sighed, exaggeratedly crawled across the floor and said, "Coal!" Ohhhhh, crawl! The ladybug's not crawling!

-When I scold GuhGaw, I often ask him, "You understand me?" Now, you say the same thing to me sometimes, except you say, "You unnertand me?"

-I realized that you can't pronounce the letter s and drop it when it's at the beginning of a word, so smile becomes "mile," school becomes "cool," squirrel becomes "quirrel" and so on. I have to admit, I find your baby talk comforting--my baby girl is still in there! You're not a total big girl yet!

Playing firefighter

-You ate a lot at dinner last night and I said I didn't think you'd have room for dessert. You pointed at your hip and said, "I have room right here."

-GuhGaw often reads aloud to us and points to the words as he reads them. You have started copying him. You can't read yet but you point to the words as you "read" them, i.e. recite made-up stories based on what you see in the pictures.

-You like to clip a blanket around your waist and turn it into a skirt. You also often ask me to clip one into the back of your shirt to make a cape. You are definitely my Supergirl!


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Really Much

Dear Lila,

Cute things you said to me recently:

"Mama, I like you really much."

"I like hearts because you make my heart feel really nice for my life."

Not-so-cute thing you did recently:

While I was brushing GuhGaw's teeth last night, you and DiDi were in DiDi's room and he suddenly started crying in pain. When I ran into the room, you explained that DiDi had been crawling toward the heat vent (which you know he shouldn't touch) so you kept him away from it by pulling him backward across the floor by his arm. Oh no no no! You were so good to try and protect him but thank goodness you didn't dislocate his shoulder, yeesh.
