Thursday, June 29, 2017

Caribbean Getaway

Dear Lila,

We just returned from a week in St. Thomas and I am happy to report that there were no traumatic injuries, falls or face plants while we were there. However, we can't seem to avoid emergency rooms during our vacations--we had to take you to one when you came down with pinkeye several days into the trip. Luckily, it wasn't severe and you were still able to play in the pool--which you and your brothers did for hours every day!

When I go on vacation, I usually try to explore the city as much as I can and only go back to the hotel to sleep. This time, it was a complete departure from that because we only left the hotel two times in the seven days that we were there! (And one of those times was to take you to the doctor.) There was actually little reason to leave the hotel property:

-There was a private beach where we could borrow equipment to go kayaking, sailing and scuba diving.

-When we were at the hotel pool, servers periodically walked around and passed out free cookies, popsicles, fruit kebabs, cocktail samples (adults only!) and iced hand towels to cool us off.

-Next to the pool were corn hole game sets and a giant Connect 4 game board.

-We had access to an air-conditioned lounge where they served free breakfast, lunch and dinner.

-The lounge also featured unlimited bottled water, an all-day open bar, a cookie jar that was always filled with the BEST chocolate chip cookies and a nightly dessert buffet complete with cakes, brownies and chocolate fondue.

-And as if that weren't enough, the lounge had a kids' play area filled with toys, wagons and books in different languages. (The down side: I think that's where you caught pinkeye.)

Our suite was also really spacious (there was even one room with our own treadmill!) and had two large balconies that looked out into the Caribbean Sea, so yeah, staying at the hotel all day was not a huge sacrifice :-P Our daily schedule was: breakfast, beach, lunch, pool, more pool, showers, dinner, walk around hotel, hit the dessert buffet, pass out in bed! Several times, one or all three of you didn't eat dinner because you fell asleep right after your shower. On the first night, we managed to get everyone showered, dressed and to the restaurant but GuhGaw zonked out at the table before the waitress even brought us the bread!

We did tear ourselves away from the hotel one day to take a ferry and visit St. John, a neighboring island. And I'm glad we did because one of the beaches we went to there, Trunk Bay, was one of the most gorgeous beaches I've ever been to. The sand was soft and powdery and the water was clear and a shimmery shade of blue.

Another cool part of our trip was when we were at the hotel and some fishermen brought their fresh catches up to the beach:

The joke is that it's never really a "vacation" with kids but this one managed to be fun and relaxing. Our week in St. Thomas flew by!


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