Thursday, July 6, 2017

Summer Camp

Dear Lila,

You had your very first day of summer camp today! And to be honest, I was much more nervous than you were. GuhGaw has been to summer camp before but he went to the neighborhood one down the street from our house. He was only a 10-minute walk away and at a camp on a relatively small facility (one room, one playground area, one swimming pool). This year, Daddy and I decided to send you and him to a much bigger camp (30 acres complete with three swimming pools, five baseball fields, a sand volleyball court, a rock climbing wall and so much more) that is a 45-drive away in Long Island. I was nervous about you two being at a camp with hundreds of kids, about you riding a bus to camp and about you being so physically far away from me. But the camp sounds amazing (daily activities include martial arts, yoga, dance, basketball, science, drama and games, plus special events like magic shows, pony rides and field trips) and parents who have sent their kids there highly recommend it, so we are giving it a try this summer--and so far, so good!

You loved your first day! The camp bus picked you and GuhGaw up in front of our house at 8:30 this morning and when it dropped you off at 5pm, you guys were flushed, sweaty and beaming! You immediately began telling me about everything you did at camp and I have never heard you talk so excitedly or so much about anything! I listened to you for awhile and when I said I had to go upstairs for a minute, you said, "Wait, Mama! Can I tell you one more thing? No, wait, can I tell you two more things first?" At bedtime, you were still talking about camp and when I interrupted you, you said, almost sternly, "Mama, let me talk first."

I think it's safe to say that you're excited to go back tomorrow!


P.S. By the way, there were tears after you got on the bus this morning. Not from you, but from DiDi and me! I am not used to you being away for such a big chunk of the day and I missed you after you left. DiDi did, too, and burst into tears after your bus drove away and we went back inside the house. When we saw the bus pull up to our house in the afternoon, we both jumped up excitedly like dogs greeting their owners when they come home, haha!

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