Friday, July 28, 2017

Best Big Sis

Dear Lila,

Whenever I ask you what you want to play, you almost always reply, "Family!" You love to pretend that you're a mom and that I'm your baby (and my baby name is always "JoJo," like your friend Ellie's baby sister). If your brothers are playing with us, GuhGaw is the dad and DiDi is your son (you usually name him "Max"). When I am busy doing housework, I often hear you and DiDi playing family on your own and you guys are so adorable! You push a bunch of toys--like the dollhouse, car slide and baby piano--into a corner to build the walls of your house and sit inside your house and imagine that you're eating lunch or getting a checkup from the doctor. You speak very sweetly to DiDi and are such a good pretend mom to him.

And you continue to be such a good real big sis to him. At dinner tonight, DiDi lost his balance on a chair (he refuses to sit in his high chair now and insists on sitting on a regular chair like the rest of us) and hit his head on the floor. He is okay but it was a pretty scary fall and he cried very hard. A few seconds after he started crying, you also started wailing and I thought you had suddenly bit your tongue while eating. I hugged you and DiDi at the same time and asked you what happened, if you were hurt. Between sobs, you managed to say, "I'm so scared for DiDi!" You were so worried about your baby brother, which was one of the sweetest things I've ever seen. I'm so proud of you for being such a loving big sister!


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