Thursday, December 28, 2017

All Dolled Up

Dear Lila,

This year, you have already had a birthday party at school, a birthday party at a play space and a mini family celebration with birthday cake at home yesterday but your birthday festivities continued today with a trip to . . . drum roll please . . . American Girl Place!!!

You love dolls and you love poring through the American Girl doll catalogs that are mailed to our house (you enjoy looking at the dolls and their plethora of posh accessories, I enjoy shouting to your dad, "Oh my god, look how expensive this is! Look how expensive that is!"), so I knew I wanted to take you to American Girl Place someday. And someday was today! (A whole month ago, I tried to book a table for afternoon tea in the American Girl Place Cafe for our family of five on your actual birthday but the place is so dang popular that I could only snag a reservation for two on the day after your birthday, grrr.)

Today's high temperature was a toasty 15 degrees but we bundled up in a whole lotta layers and rode the F train to Rockefeller Plaza. We visited the famous Christmas tree (twice--DiDi had fallen asleep on the subway and missed the tree the first time we walked around it so we went back when he woke up) and warmed ourselves up with hot chocolate and coffee at Bouchon Bakery. Then it was off to the main event! We walked through the revolving doors at American Girl Place and the smile that spread across your face was everything! There were dolls everywhere, obviously, and you and your brothers had so much fun looking at them all and playing with the various toy sets that were on display. There was a giant play house and a cute washing machine/dryer/ironing board set that you guys especially liked. Daddy, however, looked so bored and kept saying he should take GuhGaw and DiDi to the nearby Nintendo Store but your brothers were enjoying themselves and I told your dad, "They're fine." He wasn't going to escape that easily, haha!

When it was time for our afternoon tea reservation, you and I headed over to the cafe. You don't own an American Girl doll (I love you and want to give you everything but seriously, one doll is more than $100!) but there were shelves of loaner dolls at the front of the cafe and the hostess said you could pick a doll to join us. You selected a cute baby doll and the waitress set her up with her own doll-sized dishes, place mat and high chair at our table.

We enjoyed yummy sandwiches, pastries and sweets and topped off the meal with a special birthday dessert:

I am still regaining the feeling in my nearly frostbitten fingers and toes, haha, but I so enjoyed our special trip to Manhattan today. Happy birthday, my love!


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