Thursday, February 14, 2019

Midnight Mess

Dear Lila,

When you become a mom, you imagine the baby snuggles, the trips to the playground, the first days of school. You never imagine that one day, your 6-year-old will pull down her pants, squat over her mattress and poop in her bed in the middle of the night because she was half-asleep and thought she was on the toilet. Oh. My. GOD!

I check on you and your brothers a few times after you all go to bed and I was doing a routine check when I walked into your dark room around 11pm last night. I was expecting you to be passed out and snoring like you usually are but when I walked in yesterday, you were standing on your mattress. You saw me walk in and said, "I have to use the bathroom." Sure, no problem, I turned on the light so you could see your way to the bathroom and walked around to the side of your bed. What I saw first: your naked butt and your pajama bottoms around your ankles. I was confused and was about to ask you why you already took off your pants when you weren't even in the bathroom. Then I saw--and smelled--the sizable pile of poop on your mattress. Oh. My. GOD! It was a decent amount of poop and I yelled at you not to move but of course that made you move and you stepped right into the poop. Oh. My. GOD!

I called out for Daddy to come help, he carried you to the shower and I threw away your sheets and remade your bed with clean linens. I was worried you had a stomach bug but you were fine after your shower (and even started playing happily with your toys before I reminded you that it was the middle of the night and you had school in the morning) and there were no more incidents. Seriously. Motherhood!


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