Thursday, March 14, 2019

Speaking Up

Dear Lila,

When Daddy and I walked into the parent-teacher conference with your teacher this afternoon, the first thing she said to us was, "Lila has blossomed like a beautiful flower!" Not a bad opening, huh? Then she followed it up with, "Lila is kind, thoughtful, helpful, sensitive--all of the positive words I tell my kids to be she is. You have a remarkable child. Go ahead and smile. You deserve it!"

Your teachers have always raved about you but your teacher really raved about you today and she--and Daddy and I--could not be more proud of you! You are already reading at a second-grade level, your writing skills are impressive, you are doing well in math and you are always kind and helpful toward your classmates. The biggest improvement, however, has been your desire to participate and speak up in class. You have always been quiet in class and nervous to answer questions but your teacher said that has drastically changed in just the past few days. You are now waving your hand enthusiastically in the air to answer questions and explaining concepts in front of your entire class. Your teacher is so impressed by how outspoken you have become and so am I. I am so happy that you have become more confident!

I saw some of that confidence firsthand earlier today when you were a mystery reader for DiDi's class. DiDi's teacher invites parents, grandparents--and siblings--to be a special "mystery reader" and visit the classroom to read a book to the kids. I had told you that the older brother of one of DiDi's classmate's had been a mystery reader last semester and you had been asking me ever since if you could be one, too, so I asked DiDi's teacher if you could come in today since you had a half-day for the conferences. When you walked into the classroom and Ms. Kaitlin revealed you as the mystery reader, DiDi was so happy and ran right over to you and gave you a big hug.

I could not stop beaming as I watched you sit in a chair in front of the class and sweetly read one of DiDi's favorite books, an Elephant and Piggie book called Let's Go For A Drive, to DiDi's class. Your voice was super low and I'm not sure how much the kids could actually hear but they all sat quietly and listened and you looked so comfortable and confident. Beforehand, a part of me thought you might get stage fright and that I'd have to take over reading the book for you but you didn't seem the least bit nervous. You really seemed to be enjoying yourself, actually, and I was so proud of seeing how far you have come from that shy, withdrawn girl who couldn't even look people in the eye and talk to them. (Cute side note: At bedtime tonight, Sawyer was sitting on his bed with Let's Go For A Drive, holding it up and pretending to read it to an imaginary class. He wanted to be just like you!)

Nice work, Lilabear!


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