Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Out and About

Dear Lila,

You lost your first tooth tonight! Your bottom middle baby tooth had been loose for about a week and I noticed that it was more wiggly tonight while I was flossing your teeth. It still seemed pretty attached to your gum, though, so I thought we had several more days until it fell out. I was wrong. I brushed your teeth for a few seconds and told you to spit. You spit into the tub (we brush your teeth at my bathroom's tub) and we both saw some blood in your spit. You spit a couple more times and then you shouted, "My tooth!" Yep, there it was--this teeny tiny white nubbin and it was precariously lodged right in the cap that covers the tub drain. You started spitting out more blood and consequently began freaking out. My first instinct was to comfort you but I also wanted to save your tooth before it was slipped down the drain! I went with my first instinct and ran to get you tissues to soak up your bloody spit. I said everything would be fine and then I called out for Daddy. I told him to get a plastic fork, which I was able to use to carefully scoop out your tooth and prevent it from disappearing down the drain. Success!

Your first official lost tooth! My growing girl!


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