Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sister Sister

Dear Lila,

For the past few years, you and I have been outnumbered by the boys in our family, 3-2. But things are even now because you have a new baby sister! Your MuiMui was born one week ago and you have been so loving and sweet toward your new sibling.

I always wanted a sister and I know you had been wishing for one as well, so I am so happy that I was able to give you one! I remember when I first told you that I was pregnant again and you said you hoped it was a girl. When I told you it might be another boy, you said you already had too many brothers! When we found out that the baby was a girl, you were beaming and jumping up and down with joy. As one of the nurses in the hospital put it, "You gave your daughter a best friend."

You actually met your baby sister before either of your brothers did. DiDi came down with a fever the day I gave birth, so he stayed home with GuhGaw and PoiPoi while Daddy brought you to the hospital. I so wish I'd taken a video of you walking into the hospital room and seeing your sister for the first time. You looked so happy and eager and smitten! You put your face right up to hers and just smiled at her for the longest time.

MuiMui and I came home on Monday and it is really cute how you have been marveling over everything about her. You love holding her and I have loved watching you fall in love with her!


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