Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Cute and Cuddly

Dear Lila,

Unsurprisingly, things have gotten a LOT busier with the arrival of your baby sister. She nurses every couple of hours and likes to be held (and cries when she is not), so I haven't been able to spend much time with you and your brothers. You have been incredibly understanding about that, though, and not at all jealous. I really appreciate that, along with the occasional moments the two of us do get to spend together.

Tonight was one of those moments--Daddy was holding MuiMui, your brothers were already in bed and it was still relatively early so I came into your room and said, "If you get into bed now, I can cuddle with you." Your face lit up, you jumped up and said, "Cuddle? YAY!" You ask me to cuddle with you a lot but I often can't because it's a school night and you need to go to sleep or I have housework I need to finish before it gets too late. I cuddle with you whenever I can, though, and I love our nighttime talks. It also makes me so happy that our cuddle time makes you so happy and seeing your joyful surprise over our unexpected cuddle tonight so warmed my heart. I hope we have many more cuddles in store!


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