Thursday, November 26, 2020

Full of Thanks

Dear Lila,

Happy Thanksgiving! Turkey Day obviously looked a little different this year, as it was just the six of us and we ate "together" with PoiPoi over a WeChat call. But it was still a festive day with lots of deliciousness! I still made all of the traditional side dishes and desserts that we always have--because it just wouldn't feel right without them--and we feasted on barbeque chicken, sausage stuffing, Brussels sprouts casserole, stuffed mushrooms casserole, honey corn muffins, pumpkin pie and chocolate pudding pie. We all shared what we are thankful for and I loved your answer the most: You said you are thankful for all of the doctors and nurses! *melt* I am thankful that we are all healthy, happy and together. And I am also thankful for the funny things you say that make me laugh! Here's a gem from tonight:

You: Is Santa still bringing everyone presents this year?
Me: Of course he is.
You, after a brief pause: Is he going to get a Covid test first?"

A very valid question!


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