Sunday, December 27, 2020

You're Eight Years Old!

Dear Lila,

Last week, we went to see the holiday lights display at Jones Beach. You kids enjoyed seeing all of the festive lights but on the way home, MuiMui started getting restless in her car seat and began crying. I couldn't get her to calm down from the front seat so I gave you Daddy's phone and told you to play the video for "Slaughter Race" from the movie Wreck-It Ralph. It is the most random song but for whatever weird reason, MuiMui always stops fussing when she hears it. Unfortunately that night, the sound on Daddy's phone suddenly stopped working. MuiMui could see the video on the phone but she couldn't hear it. However, you, Super Sister, stepped in and started singing the song to her! And MuiMui immediately stopped crying. It was so sweet and touching and I was immensely proud of you!

When we couldn't get the video's sound to work, you just instantly started singing to calm your baby sister down. You didn't even think about it--you just did it. You turned eight years old today but you have shown more thoughtfulness, empathy and kindness in those eight years than many adults I have known. You are such a beautiful person inside and out and I couldn't ask for a better daughter. You are always helpful, watching MuiMui in her room when I need to cook dinner, helping DiDi with his math homework or offering to fold laundry for me. You are always responsible, keeping track of your Google Meet calls for school, completing all of your assignments on your own and completing chores like brushing your teeth and clearing your dishes without me ever having to remind you. You are always creative, drawing interesting pictures for me all of the time, concocting detailed storylines for your Barbie dolls and building an elaborate Lego castle with dozens of rooms. You are always determined, like you were this year when you started learning how to ride a bike and it was often difficult for you (you'll be able to get on that two-wheeler soon!). You are always good-natured, which has been especially important this year when so many things changed so dramatically and we found ourselves isolated from all of our family and friends. And you are always eager for some Lila-Mama quality time, asking if we can read together and cuddle every night at bedtime.

When you were a baby/toddler, I loved spending time with you because you were so adorable. Now that you are (*gulp*) a big kid, I love spending time with you because you are so fun to spend time with! We talk about so many topics together--from crazy dreams we had to the latest Harry Potter book you're rereading (this year, you read and reread the entire series at least a dozen times)--and you are a really funny girl who makes me laugh all of the time. I love all of the things we do together--baking, taking walks around the neighborhood, playing Life, coloring Fancy Nancy pictures, watching Jane the Virgin and World of Dance, exercising on the treadmill and trampoline in the basement and definitely reading and cuddling at bedtime (and even if I'm too busy or it's too late to read, we still do our secret handshake at bedtime every single night!)

I love you so much, Lilabear! Happy 8th birthday!


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