Sunday, May 2, 2021

A Lila-Mama Morning

Dear Lila,

One of the things that I am most grateful for is the fact that you still genuinely enjoy spending time with me. I know your teenage years when you will be busy with other teenage people doing teenage things aren't too far away so I try to soak in as much Lila-Mama Time as I can. Unfortunately, Lila-Mama Time is often hard to come by these days. Especially with all of you doing remote school and MuiMui in her clingy toddler stage, I am running around in all directions every day making sure that DiDi is working on his writing worksheets, you have the necessary objects for your STEM call, MuiMui's diaper is not full, GuhGaw is on time for his calls, etc. It seems as if there's always a load of wet laundry to put into the dryer, a meal to get ready, a spill to clean up. So many times, I think I have a chunk of time to play so I sit down to play Legos or Barbies with you but then I suddenly get pulled away because DiDi needs help with his math assignment or I didn't realize how late it is and I need to put MuiMui down for her nap. When that happens, you quietly frown and slump your shoulders in disappointment and my heart breaks.

I seemed to get pulled away from you a lot last week, so I planned a special Lila-Mama outing this morning. I haaaaaaate getting up early, especially on weekends, but I set my alarm for 7:05 this morning so that you and I could walk to the Sunday farmers' market in our neighborhood, visit the different vendors and have breakfast together in the park. When I told you about my plan the other day, you got so excited and hugged me so tightly! And when we were in the park this morning, sitting on a bench, eating our breakfast pastries and taking in the sunshine and the blossoming cherry trees, you rested your head on my shoulder and said contentedly, "I'm so glad we had this morning together."

Me, too, sweetheart! Me, too!


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