Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Schoolwork Slipup

Dear Lila,

You have always been a very conscientious student who makes sure to get her homework and assignments done, so I have never had to nag you about doing your schoolwork. Even when there wasn't much school during the first year of the pandemic and I assigned you kids 10 pages of workbook pages every day, you always made sure to finish your "Mama homework." So of course when you had summer homework this year, you finished it in July. Or so you thought. When you were gathering your assignments today to turn in tomorrow (it's already the first day of school tomorrow!), you realized that two pieces of paper had been stuck together and you had missed a whole page of assignments that you were supposed to do. And you got so upset. Like, came into my room sobbing and talking incomprehensibly upset. All I could discern at first was that you were saying something about your summer homework and I initially thought MuiMui had done something to it, like scribbled on it or cut it up with scissors. When you calmed down and told me you still had two more book reports to do, I said it was only noon and you had plenty of time to do them before tomorrow. And you hunkered down at your desk and got them done. I am so sorry you were so stressed but I am proud of how seriously you take your schoolwork. Thank you for always working so hard! 


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