Thursday, December 1, 2022

The World Needs More Lilas

Dear Lila,

Last night, I was crazed as usual trying to finish a dozen different things on my to-do list. One of the things I had to do was put fresh linens on MuiMui's bed. I had already put on clean sheets (and you and MuiMui were sitting on them) but stopped mid-task to get a load of laundry out of the dryer. When I got back to MuiMui's room, you had put the pillowcase back on the Boppy pillow for me. As a busy mom, I can't tell you how much that meant to me, that you not only helped me but that you knew what I needed help with and helped without me even having to ask you to do it.

And then you impressed me further when you stayed up late to study long division. I'd taught you how to do it last year but it's obviously been awhile and you knew your teacher was going to be reviewing it at school today, so you asked me to give you a little refresher so you'd be better prepared for the lesson today. Come on! You are the best kid! I was actually texting my friends this week and telling them what a good sous chef you had been on Thanksgiving (you arranged the bread cubes on the baking sheets to be baked for the stuffing, helped cook the sausage and veggie mix for the stuffing, mixed the ingredients for the corn pudding and peeled three containers of Brussels sprouts) and my friend said she wished she had a Lila in her family. I responded that if all my kids were like you, we would have had ten more!


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