Tuesday, December 27, 2022

You're Ten Years Old!

Dear Lila,

You have loved unicorns for years, which is fitting, because YOU are a unicorn! You are more thoughtful, patient, understanding, responsible and conscientious than most adults I know and you are truly an incredible person. I am so proud to be your mom--and I can't believe I have already been your mom for an entire decade! Happy 10th birthday, Lilabear!

This fall, we had to submit your middle school applications (!) and for one school, I had to write an essay about your strengths and special talents. The essay had to be a minimum of 500 words but my first draft was more than 1,200 words--that's how many good things I had to say about you! And I could have gone on for a few more thousand words--I mean, how many words are in this entire Letters to Lila blog so far? :-) I talked about your dedication, helpfulness and selflessness. I also wrote about one of your most defining features: your love of reading! It is still your absolute favorite thing to do and whenever you have free time at home, your nose is almost always in a book. You have read every single kid book in the house a dozen times and have even read some of my books: Confessions of a Shopaholic, Life of Pi, A Man Called Ove, Julie & Julia, The House of Spirits, Where'd You Go, Bernadette?, Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine (btw, I haven't even read the latter three yet!). You told me that if you have to pick between going out and staying in, you will always pick staying in because all of your books are at home. However, I guess the exception is if we go out to get to more books. When I asked you where you want to go on your actual birthday this year, you chose the library! I floated the idea of going to American Dream Mall to play mini golf and shop but when I suggested visiting the main branch of the New York Public Library in Manhattan, your eyes lit up and you got so excited! (It's actually suuuuuuper cold today on your birthday--just 23 degrees--but it's going to go up to 45 degrees on Thursday, so we will go then!) I love that you prefer reading over shopping; I'm not sure how many 10-year-old girls do!

I don't know why I didn't blog about this story at the time, but when you were just a 4-year-old in pre-k, you inspired your classmates to read more! Your teacher told me that when the students arrived at the beginning of the school day, the other children played with the classroom toys while you went straight to the book corner and plopped down on a cushion with a book every day. Over time, more classmates followed your lead and started reading after they had hung up their jackets and backpacks. Eventually, your teacher instituted an official "Morning Reading Time" where everyone in the class read quietly for 10 minutes after arriving at school--all because of you! After you graduated from pre-k, your teacher always reminded me of this story whenever she saw me and told me that she continued Morning Reading Time every year!

When I ran into that same teacher a couple years ago while I was out shopping (she retired during the pandemic but still lives in the neighborhood), she told me something about you that she hadn't told me before. She said that you were one of the most empathetic students she's ever had. If another classmate was crying about something, many of the other kids would continue with whatever they were doing but you always went over to the upset child and patted him/her on the back and tried to comfort him/her. Even at such a young age, you were already so kind and thoughtful--and you continue to be so to this day. At home, you are quick to assist me (and without complaint) when I need you to and often ask me if I need help with anything. You help DiDi with his homework and play with MuiMui when I'm busy. You get your siblings breakfast in the mornings and read to them at night. If they are doing something less than ideal (i.e. DiDi asks for a third helping of dinner when I haven't even had a bite of my first or MuiMui keeps insisting on sitting on my lap when I need a little space after a chaotic day), you intervene so that I don't have to deal with it. If we have all shared a dessert and there is only one more piece left, you always ask everyone if they want it before you take it, even if I've already told you to finish it. You always consider other people's feelings and needs and I admire you so much for that.

Time and age are such strange constructs. On the one hand, I feel as if you were just a baby and can't believe that you are already 10. On the other hand, you are so responsible and mature that I sometimes forget that you are only 10. Either way, I am so proud of you. I love you so much and I love being your mom. Happy birthday!


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