Sunday, January 27, 2013

Happy 1 Month!

Dear Lila,

You are one month old today! And you and I have only known each other for a short time, but I already love being your mom. I love staring into your big round eyes, nuzzling my nose against yours, feeling your teeny tiny fingers grasp my finger, squeezing your chubby chub thighs and kissing your adorable little feet. I love how you hold your head up high and look around the room with the aforementioned big round eyes (your neck muscles are already so strong!), how you crane your neck and follow me with your eyes whenever I put you in your crib and leave the room (you don't have to worry, I will always come back for you!) and how you seem as if you're already trying to talk (Daddy was changing your diaper the other night and you loudly chirped what sounded exactly like, "Hi!"). 

You are an amazing little baby. And you are still my super chill Sleeping Beauty. You don't cry very often (you're still not a huge fan of diaper changes or baths but they don't make you cry as much as they used to) and you sleep really well, especially at night (Daddy and I thank you for that!). I hope you have enjoyed this past month as much as I have. I love you so, so much.


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