Sunday, January 6, 2013

Things I Forgot

Dear Lila,

It's been almost two and a half years since I took care of a newborn baby, so there were a few things that I forgot. Among them:

-Babies have to be burped after they're fed. During our first day together in the hospital, I nursed you several times and didn't burp you until you started making a lot of spit bubbles. I asked a nurse why you were doing that and she asked me if I'd burped you. Um, no, oops! I'm so sorry, Lila!

-Newborns really hate baths, or at least mine do. Your brother screamed and howled during his baths when he was a newborn and you are no different, except that I think you scream and howl much, much louder than he did. You act as if I'm pouring acid on you, not warm water!

-Newborns tend to pee and poop as soon as you open their diaper. Fun! At least with you, I haven't gotten hit with your bodily excretions (yet). With your brother, his penis pointed up so pee would go spraying every which way. Super fun!

-Newborns' nails are friggin' sharp. It's like you have teeny, tiny razor blades on the ends of your fingers. And they're so teeny, tiny that I can't even cut or file them. The worst is when I have to take off your mittens during baths and you scratch yourself. It hurts a lot when you scratch me, so I can't imagine how painful it must be on your delicate skin.

-Every noise a newborn makes is so cute! Your sweet coos, gurgles, hiccups, sneezes, grunts and sighs--even your funny little farts--are all so awww-worthy :)


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