Thursday, January 3, 2013

First Impressions

Dear Lila,

You turned 1 week old today! How did that happen? How is time already going by so fast? The past seven days have been a blur of round-the-clock feedings, diaper changes (man, do you hate getting your diaper changed), nervous outfit changes (I'm nervous, not you, because your hands, your arms, your legs--they're all so small and fragile! I have been so used to wrestling with your big, beefy, 31-pound brother and forgot how delicate a newborn is) and constant checks to make sure you're still breathing (you are so still when you're sleeping!). The past seven days have also been filled with round-the-clock kisses on your teeny nose, nuzzles with your soft, chubby cheeks and pauses to breathe in your intoxicating new-baby scent.

So far, you have been a very chill baby. You didn't cry when you were born and you only whimpered for a few minutes during our first night in the hospital. You did cry for four straight hours during our second night in the hospital but I think it was because you were hungry and my milk hadn't come in yet (wow, that was a rough night). Now, you barely cry except during the aforementioned diaper changes--and yikes, do you cry. You shriek and wail and turn red and sometimes cry so hard that your cries go silent. Um, dramatic much? You also cry when I change your clothes; I guess you're not a fan of the nakedness. 

When you're not eating or resisting diaper and outfit changes, you sleep and sleep and sleep some more. I call you Sleeping Beauty because you're such a good sleeper and I almost always have to wake you up to feed you. During our first night at home, I set my alarm clock so that I would wake up every three hours to feed you, but Daddy shut my alarm off so I didn't wake up when I was supposed to and you slept for a full five hours! The second night, Daddy shut off my alarm again and you slept for six hours! And I still had to wake you up after those long sleep stretches. (I have also since moved the alarm clock out of Daddy's reach!)

Here are some other things about you:

-You have super cute chubby cheeks. See Exhibit A:

And Exhibit B:

-You snore just like Daddy.
-You like to sleep with your fists balled up under your chin, as if you're ready to fight--or defend yourself against your big brother!
-You are nocturnal like me. You sleep during most of the day and are usually awake and alert after 9pm. Your name, Lila, means "night" so I guess it's fitting.
-You like to stick out your tongue. 
-When you were just 1 day old, I was feeding you at 3:30 in the morning when you opened both of your eyes for the first time. And they are such beautiful eyes! Their small, slit-like shape remind me of little tadpoles:

-You've been opening both eyes together more and more but you often open just your right eye and scan your surroundings, as if you're checking things out and wondering, "What's going on? What's this place about?"
-You seem to open your eyes especially wide when you hear your brother talking. He is quite the chatterbox so you probably heard his voice a lot when you were in my belly.
-You are the prettiest little girl! (But we've been dressing you like a boy in lots of blue outfits with cars and dinosaurs on them because they are hand-me-downs from your brother. Sorry!)


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