Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Apologies

Dear Lila,

You have been a part of our family for two months now and it has been an incredible two months. But I know that you're probably still getting adjusted to me, Daddy and your brother and our craziness and there are a few things I'd like to apologize for:

-I'm sorry your brother is so noisy. He is and always has been a super active and energetic boy and he likes to shout. And run around. And bang his toys against the walls. And shout some more. You will enjoy these things about him once you are big enough to shout, run around and bang toys against the walls with him but for now, I know he makes it really hard for you to sleep during the day. I'm working on trying to get him to use his quiet voice more, if not just for your sake but also for mine!

-I'm sorry I accidentally cut your finger and made you bleed while I was trimming your nails the other day. You only cried for a few seconds so I don't think it hurt you that much, but it definitely hurt me. As a mom, it's awful when your kid gets hurt but it's even more awful when you're the cause of it.

-I am sorry that I'm still a bit clumsy when it comes to dressing you and thank you for your patience when I try for several sweaty minutes to stuff your floppy arms into tight sleeves. I'll get better!

-I'm sorry there aren't as many photos or videos of you as there are of your brother when he was your age. Since your brother was my only child when he was born, I only had to focus on him and thus had the time to snap dozens and dozens of photos of him every day from every conceivable angle. Now that I have two kids, every day is a constant juggling act to make sure you and your brother are both fed/bathed/tended to when you each need to be fed/bathed/tended to. So please know that when you're older and see several photo albums devoted to your brother and only half the amount devoted to you, it's because I didn't have as much time to take photos of you, not because I didn't think you were as photogenic (which you totally are, as evidenced below!)

-I'm sorry I write so many posts about your poop. I understand that you (and many readers of this blog) may not want to read about your baby bowel movements so often but you pretty much only eat, sleep, pee and poop at this age so many times, poop stories are all I've got!


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