Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sugar Overload

Dear Lila,

During the 13 years that Daddy and I have been together, we've never really celebrated Valentine's Day. We do sweet things for each other all of the time (just the other day, Daddy helped me carry the heavy basket of clean laundry up from the basement without me even having to ask him to--and yes, after so many years together, that is the kind of thing that gets my heart going!), so we don't do the fancy restaurant reservations, the dozen roses, the schmaltzy cards. We do, however, indulge in V-Day chocolates and desserts because if there's an excuse to eat massive amounts of sugar, you take it!

This year, though, Daddy went a bit overboard. He went to this great bakery near our house and brought home slices of red velvet cake, chocolate mousse cake, Oreo cheesecake AND carrot cake cheesecake AND a cup of banana pudding. Because this year, Daddy apparently wanted to turn Valentine's Day into Make Mommy Diabetic Day. Oof.


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