Monday, February 18, 2013

Poopy Bath

Dear Lila,

This is how your bath went last night:

-I undressed you and put you in your baby bathtub.
-You immediately pooped a major poop in the tub.
-I gagged.
-I screamed for Daddy to come to the bathroom.
-I scooped your poop-covered body up, wrapped you in a towel (there goes my good towel) and held you while Daddy washed out your poop-filled tub.
-I gagged some more.
-The towel you were wrapped in suddenly got very wet. You had peed so now I was holding a pee- and poop-covered baby. 
-Daddy finished washing your tub and refilled it with water.
-I started to unwrap you from your towel when--BOOM!--you released another big poop into the towel. 

Least fun bath ever.


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