Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Some Words About Lila

Dear Lila,

Words that can be used to describe you:

Caring--When GuhGaw got hurt at a birthday party earlier this month and your friend Kaira fell down when we were at a park, you immediately went over to them and put your hand on them to comfort them.

Stoic--Your front tooth was chipped (oddly, it just grew in that way) so you had to get a filling. You cried while the dentist was fixing your tooth but immediately stopped as soon as he finished. Two days later, you had to have your blood drawn (to check your iron level) and you barely flinched when the phlebotomist stuck the needle in your arm. Brave girl!

Voracious eater--You ate a fortune cookie so fast that I didn't even have time to get the paper fortune out before you swallowed it!

Drama queen--Sometimes you lay face down on the floor and cry when you're unhappy.

Cutie pie--You're so sweet when you quietly say "peas" (please) when you ask for something and when you lay your head on my shoulders.


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