Thursday, August 7, 2014

Keep Calm and Eat Cupcakes

Dear Lila,

We had more post-nap chaos today. When you woke up from your afternoon nap, your clothes and bed sheets were wet with pee so I took you right to the bathroom to give you a shower. A few minutes into the shower, you tapped your crotch and whimpered as if you were in pain. I thought you had hurt yourself somehow so I comforted you while I soaped you up. Then you squatted and when you stood back up, oh look! There was a giant pile of poop in the tub**. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, ew! I spent several seconds freaking out because I was by myself with you and didn't know what to do. I had to clean the tub, but I couldn't take you out of the tub since you were wet and covered in soap bubbles. And I couldn't take the rubber shower mat you had pooped on out of the tub because you might slip without it. Once I composed myself, I took a paper towel and scooped up the poop (yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck!), pulled you away when you tried to touch the poopy spot and finished cleaning you up. After I dressed you, I had the fun task of scrubbing and disinfecting the mat and the tub.

When your brother came home, I told him how you had pooped in the tub. That freaked him out, even though I told him that I had cleaned the tub and no evidence had been left behind, and he didn't want to stand on the shower mat (ironic, because in the past, he has had no problem rolling around on the dirty classroom floors at school or eating food he's dropped on the sidewalk). He kept trying to step off of the mat onto the sides of the slippery tub, which was obviously dangerous and made showering him harder than usual. I yelled at him to stop and he wouldn't listen. And for the rest of the day, he kept not listening whenever I asked him to do something. 

So yeah, it was that kind of day. Messy, frustrating and exhausting. I'm used to days like this by now, but they are draining nonetheless. The day ended on a high note, though. When Daddy came home from work tonight, he surprised me with a box of one of my favorite things in the world: chocolate marshmallow cupcakes from Sprinkles. His Spidey sense must have kicked in and told him what a crazy day I had!


** Ironically enough, I was just telling your nanny this morning that when you were a little baby, you often used to poop in the baby bathtub as soon as we put you in it for a bath. Did you hear me tell her about it and want to remind me of how fun that was? :P

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