Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Terrible Twos?

Dear Lila,

I have said over and over again that you are such a good baby, such an easy baby. From the beginning, you have slept when I've wanted you to sleep, eaten when I've wanted you to eat, played quietly by yourself when I've needed you to play quietly by yourself. You are so chill and have always gone with the flow for the most part. And then there was today.

Your nanny took you to the playground and when it was time to get out of the swing and go home, you cried and resisted. When you were playing with my keys and I had to take them from you to open the door, you cried and resisted and even threw yourself down on the ground in protest. When I gave you a shower, you cried and resisted and wriggled so much that I had to put an iron grip on your arm and pray that you wouldn't bang your head on the side of the tub. When I was dressing you after the shower, you cried and resisted and screamed so loud and for so long that you actually started to hurt my eardrums.

When I finally managed to get your diaper and clothes on despite your kicking and flailing, I picked you up and held you tightly in my arms and you started hyperventilating because you were crying so hard. I hugged and rocked you for 15 minutes and you eventually passed out in my arms, so exhausted from your meltdown, without even drinking your lunchtime bottle of milk first.

When you woke up after your nap, you were your usual laidback, easygoing self but oh. my. GOD. I have never seen you behave like that. You're 19 months old now--you're not gearing up for the terrible twos, are you? Nooooooooooo!!!


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