Saturday, July 19, 2014

Post-Nap Surprise

Dear Lila,

Normally, when I hear you wake up from your afternoon nap, I go into your room, chat with you a little bit, change your diaper and then get your lunch ready. But here's how things went down today:

3:25pm: I hear you turn on your music box and start babbling.

3:26pm: I enter your room and see that you are standing up in your crib.

3:26pm: You walk over toward me and hand me your diaper.

3:27pm: I have the following internal monologue: Where did she get that diaper? There are no diapers near her bed. Wait, that's her diaper! The diaper she was wearing! Oh my god, she took off her own diaper! 

3:28pm: I realize that not only have you learned how to take off your own diaper but that you also peed ALL over your bed. Ugh.

In other news, you officially graduated from baths to showers today. After the super fun incident above, I plucked you out of your crib, put you in the big tub and gave you a shower. When we switched your brother over to showers when he was almost 2 1/2 years old, he screamed and cried and took a week to get used to them. But you were totally fine, as if it was your 100th shower, not your first. Big girl!


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