Friday, July 18, 2014

You Make Me Smile

Dear Lila,

You make me smile when . . .

-you see me cleaning the dining table and mimic me by wiping down your kiddie table with your picnic blanket.

-I see how much joy you get from playing in the sprinklers at the playground.

-you cover your mouth when you laugh really hard.

-you babble to me so earnestly that I really wish I knew what you were talking about because it sounds very interesting.

-your nanny brings you back home after you guys have gone for a walk and your face lights up when you see me at the door.

-I see how good you already are at completing puzzles.

-you sometimes walk so fast, you topple forward a little bit before you balance yourself out.

-you take my lotion bottle and pretend to put lotion on your baby dolls and stuffed animals.

-you look so focused and studious while reading books.

-we go grocery shopping and I can see how much you love picking out groceries and piling them into our basket.

-you lean in toward my face to let me know that you want to give me a kiss.

-you give me big, wet, loving kisses.


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