Saturday, December 27, 2014

You're Two Years Old!

Dear Lila,

Sometimes, you climb into my lap, lay back so that I have to cradle you and say, "Baby." It's your way of telling me that you want me to rock you like a little baby. And even though you are getting way too heavy to be rocked like that, I always oblige because you will always be my little baby girl. Of course, if we're going to get technical about it, you are no longer my little baby girl (*sniff*) because you are 2 years old now!

I absolutely love everything about you. You are growing into such an incredible person and I am so proud to be your mom. You are so happy and giggly. You are very sweet and affectionate and always giving me hugs and kisses. You are so curious and observant of the world around you and constantly point things out to me (a plane flying overhead, a squirrel climbing up a tree, a puppy across the street) when we are out. You are caring and compassionate--if GuhGaw or I get hurt, you run over, rub our injury and comfort us by saying, "K k k k k [it's okay, it's okay, it's okay]." You love to read. You can be shy and quiet but are starting to come out of your shell and be more social with other people. You love to sing and dance; your favorite songs right now are "Shake It Up" by Taylor Swift, "All About That Bass" by Meghan Trainor and "Do You Want To Build A Snowman?" and "Let It Go" from the Frozen soundtrack. Your face lights up and you enthusiastically sing along and do your adorable bouncy dance every time you hear these songs.

And you are a serious child anomaly because you LOVE vegetables. Carrots, broccoli, squash--it's all good! At Thanksgiving dinner this year, you didn't eat much chicken or stuffing or potatoes but had *three* helpings of green beans and ate your brother's green beans when he didn't touch them. You actually rejected a piece of apple pie in favor of more green beans. We had noodles with sauteed spinach for lunch yesterday and when I tried to feed you the noodles, you shook your head and pointed at the spinach. And at dinner tonight, you ate eight stalks of broccoli! Amazing!

Another thing I love is that you are a total mama's girl. Forget about being "Daddy's little girl"--you are all about Mommy, often pushing Daddy, your nanny and other people away and insisting that I be the one who feed you, read to you or tuck you in at night (sometimes, you even insist that I be the one who take away your dirty dishes or throw your garbage out and it's like, really??). Obviously, it breaks Daddy's heart when you won't even let him sit with the two of us at the dinner table (that's way harsh, Tai) but I love how attached you are to me. I am your number one girl and you are mine :)

Happy birthday, Lilabear! I love you so much!


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