Friday, December 19, 2014

TV Addict

Dear Lila,

Your vocabulary has exploded this month! Your repertoire of words now includes: cup, glove, car, duck, dog, mine, Airee (Ariel, the little mermaid), yep, okay, kiss, gate, happy, sad, mad, phone, the numbers 1-10, dark, ow, ew, sar (sorry), bear, Elmo, food, snack, fan fan (Chinese for rice), peen peen (Chinese for diaper), bat, frog, Buh Guh (Bubble Guppies), pop (lollipop), stop, backpack, couch, cake, fish, grape, bird, wa wa (water), bo (boat), boon (balloon) and--whenever you see Santa--ho ho ho!

Oh, and one of your absolute favorite words is "TV." I don't let you watch much of it and you often ask me to turn it on by looking up at me with your big brown eyes, smiling your irresistible smile and nodding while you say in a high-pitched voice, "TV? Yeah? TV?" You always look so cute and sweet that it's hard to say no! And if I do turn on the television and you're in another room, you come running while cheering, "Yay! TV! Yay! TV!" Haha!


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