Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Brave Girl

Dear Lila,

The word "stoic" isn't often used when referring to little kids, but I can't think of a better word to describe you. You are and always have been so calm and I am constantly impressed by your maturity, composure and uncomplaining nature. Whereas most babies cry and fuss when they're left in their cribs, you were always perfectly content hanging out on your own until I came to pick you up. You still handle shots and getting blood drawn like a champ and instead of crying when you bump your head or hurt yourself somehow, you usually just chirp, "Oh, I ok!" And when we moved into our new house three weeks ago and you had to sleep in a big and relatively empty new room that first evening (your room contained your bed and a suitcase of your clothes and that was it), you didn't get scared and come running into my room in the middle of the night even once.

Because you are so brave and because you are the size of kids who are twice your age, I sometimes forget that you are only 2 years old. GuhGaw had his birthday party at an amusement park earlier this month and since you are so tall for your age, you met the height requirements for all of the rides. But just because you were ready for them physically, in hindsight, I realize that doesn't mean you were ready for them emotionally. You did not enjoy the tall froggy ride that took you way up high and bounced you back down (the operator actually stopped the ride when she saw how scared you looked) and though you were excited to go on a roller coaster with me, you clenched the handlebars and whimpered when it started to speed up. But as frightened as you were, you sucked it up and didn't cry or complain.

And you showed your courageous side again today on your first day of nursery school. It was the first time you were dropped off somewhere without me, Daddy, PoiPoi or your nanny and you were as cool and collected as I expected you to be. When it was time to line up and walk to the classroom with your teachers, you were a bit reluctant and reached for me but when I nudged you toward the line, you dutifully took your place while many of the other kids were crying and wailing. Maybe it was because GuhGaw goes to school and you want to be like him or maybe because you took a Moms and Tots class at your nursery school last year and are familiar with the building and a couple of the teachers--either way, you totally rocked your first day of school! You looked really happy when I picked you up and said you had fun learning about lions. You also wore underwear to school (it was the first time you went out in underwear instead of a pull-up) and didn't have any accidents, woo!

Happy after a good first day of school!

I'm so proud of you!


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