Sunday, September 27, 2015

Dancing Queen

Dear Lila,

We went to my friend Vince's wedding yesterday and it was your very first wedding. You loved getting dressed up for it, seeing the bride in her beautiful gown, trying all of the foods during the cocktail hour and noshing on macarons and wedding cake. You also enjoyed taking pictures in the photo booth and checking out the play area Vince had thoughtfully set up for the kids, which contained inflatable toys and a ball pit. But what you *really* enjoyed was getting down on the dance floor!

You are still shy and rarely talk to anyone outside of our family but you weren't shy at all about showing off your dance moves in front of everyone! Even after my friends, Daddy and I all got tired and went back to our tables, you grabbed my hand and used every ounce of your strength to pull me back to dance floor when I protested. And though your usual bedtime is 7pm, you stayed wide awake and partied until 10pm! Guess you inherited your partying ways from your mama ;-)


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