Saturday, September 12, 2015

Tooth Trouble

Dear Lila,

Today was not the best day for you. At your dental checkup this morning, the dentist discovered a painful-looking abscess on your front upper gum, which was caused by an infection in your tooth. We have no idea how long you had the abscess and I'm so sorry Daddy and I didn't notice it! We brush your teeth every day but the abscess was at the very top of your gum and only visible if we pulled your lip way up toward your nose, which we obviously have no reason to do. I hope it didn't hurt you too much for too long :-(

So because of the infection (when your baby tooth first grew in, it already had some decay in it; the dentist cleaned out as much decay as he could last year but the tooth still got infected), the dentist had to extract the entire tooth. Yeah. You can imagine how much you did not enjoy that. I had to put you on my lap and hold you as tightly as I could while the dentist pulled out your tooth. You, unsurprisingly, cried, screamed and kicked like crazy and holding you down was not easy because, dude, you're really strong! I felt so bad for you that I started crying a little, too, but eventually the whole ordeal was over (the dentist asked me if I wanted to keep your tooth, the decayed, infected tooth--ew, no thanks) and when we took you out for frozen yogurt immediately afterward, you were already feeling better as you happily ate your fro yo and swayed back and forth to the music playing in the shop. Whew.


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