Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Perfect Moment

Dear Lila,

Funny things you said today:

-"Happy thank . . . happy give . . . happy thank . . . I can't say it." (You were trying to say "Happy Thanksgiving" but you couldn't remember that many syllables.)

-We were looking at photos from before you were born and you asked where you were. I said you hadn't been born yet and you replied, "I was at supermarket with Daddy?" That led to a conversation about how Daddy and I made you and you asked, "Why I no make myself?"

-You farted and said matter-of-factly, "My butt did that."

Other happenings today:

-I feed you lunch before you go to school but you didn't want to eat anything today. I couldn't even get you to eat a pouch of applesauce or drink a juice box because you said your mouth hurt. I didn't see any blisters or redness on your gums, though, and whatever was causing the pain apparently disappeared after you arrived at school because your class had a Thanksgiving feast and your teacher said you were so dead set on finishing all of your food, you didn't want them to throw away your plate when it was time for dismissal. So when I picked you up, your teacher handed me your plate and you cutely sat on the steps in front of your school and ate every last morsel of roast turkey, stuffing, cornbread and yams. Strange how you didn't eat lunch at home on the one day you got so much food at school--did you know and want to save room in your stomach?

-When I pick you up from school, you are usually so tired that you just want to sit in your stroller and eat a snack. But I guess you got a burst of energy from all of those Thanksgiving carbs because you wanted to play in the park across from your school today. It wasn't too cold so we stayed for awhile and I had so much fun chasing you around the trees and through the piles of leaves. It was actually a pretty perfect moment: the sun was shining, the air was crisp, you had such a joyful smile on your face as I chased you and your adorable giggles echoed through the park. As it was happening, I wanted to remember it forever. I hope you will.


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

So Thankful

Dear Lila,

Daddy asked you what you are thankful for and you replied, "For my mom." *melt!*


Doll Decapitation

Dear Lila,

This morning, you pulled the head off of your Ruby doll and brought her decapitated body over to me. When I asked you why you pulled her head off, you replied matter-of-factly, "I wanted to see the pink body inside her head." Ummm, okay.


Monday, November 23, 2015

Frozen Wake-Up Call

Dear Lila,

You still love all things Frozen and have started waking me up by coming into my room, jumping on top of me and asking me, "Do you want to build a snowman?" I'd be annoyed at you for hurling your body on me while I was sleeping if it wasn't so cute! Instead, I play along, pull the covers over my head and say, "Go away, Anna!" You sigh and say, "Sky wake so I wake." Then you pull my arm and I sit up and pretend to shoot snow and ice everywhere. I "accidentally" shoot you in the head and you collapse face-down on the floor. We continue reenacting the scene from the movie until I pick you up and rush you to the trolls' home, a.k.a. the hallway outside of my room. Hehe :)


Saturday, November 7, 2015

Good Report

Dear Lila,

You received your very first report card yesterday and you are rocking it in school! You received nothing but high marks in all of the categories and your teacher wrote that you are "such a smart, independent and sweet girl" who "always follows directions and serves as a great role model for the other children." She also said you are "a pleasure to have in class." I am so proud!


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Stuffed Nose

Dear Lila,

Well, it happened. I finally acquired a "My kid stuck the craziest thing up her nose" story today when you stuffed a roasted chickpea far up into your left nostril. Good lord.

We were at a bakery picking up things for tomorrow's breakfast and you were eating your after-school snack of cheddar bunnies and roasted chickpeas in your stroller. While I was getting egg tarts, I looked at you and you looked upset. I asked you what was wrong and you whispered something so softly that I couldn't hear you. I asked you to repeat yourself. A fat tear rolled down your face, you pointed to your nose and you whispered so quietly, "Nut." I was confused at first but quickly realized that the "nut" was a chickpea stuck halfway up your nose. Oh my god! You'd never stuck anything up your nose before (other than the occasional finger, ick) so what made you decide to put a chickpea up there?! Haha, did you want to save it for later?

Whatever the reason, the chickpea was waaaay up there and I couldn't reach it to scoop it out so in the middle of the bakery, I pressed your right nostril closed and kept telling you, "Blow! Blow harder! Again!" until the chickpea popped out into my palm, along with a big booger. Ew . . . but crisis averted! Oh man!


Pretty In Pink

Dear Lila,

This is what happens when I let you pick out your own outfit:

It goes without saying, you really like pink!


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

My Daughter Umbrella

Dear Lila,

Your nanny's name is Mary and her daughter's name is Isabella. You were pretending today and said, "I Mary. This my daughter Umbrella." Hehe :-)


Monday, November 2, 2015

Forever and Ever

Dear Lila,

This morning, I told you that I will love you forever and you responded, "That too much." When I asked you how long you'll love me, you said, "One time." Harsh!

In other news, you once again showed me how independent you are after your nap today. You woke up and took off your Pull-up, threw it in the bathroom trash can and put on your underwear and pants totally on your own. Your pants were actually on inside out (haha!) but still, good job!
