Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Stuffed Nose

Dear Lila,

Well, it happened. I finally acquired a "My kid stuck the craziest thing up her nose" story today when you stuffed a roasted chickpea far up into your left nostril. Good lord.

We were at a bakery picking up things for tomorrow's breakfast and you were eating your after-school snack of cheddar bunnies and roasted chickpeas in your stroller. While I was getting egg tarts, I looked at you and you looked upset. I asked you what was wrong and you whispered something so softly that I couldn't hear you. I asked you to repeat yourself. A fat tear rolled down your face, you pointed to your nose and you whispered so quietly, "Nut." I was confused at first but quickly realized that the "nut" was a chickpea stuck halfway up your nose. Oh my god! You'd never stuck anything up your nose before (other than the occasional finger, ick) so what made you decide to put a chickpea up there?! Haha, did you want to save it for later?

Whatever the reason, the chickpea was waaaay up there and I couldn't reach it to scoop it out so in the middle of the bakery, I pressed your right nostril closed and kept telling you, "Blow! Blow harder! Again!" until the chickpea popped out into my palm, along with a big booger. Ew . . . but crisis averted! Oh man!


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