Monday, November 23, 2015

Frozen Wake-Up Call

Dear Lila,

You still love all things Frozen and have started waking me up by coming into my room, jumping on top of me and asking me, "Do you want to build a snowman?" I'd be annoyed at you for hurling your body on me while I was sleeping if it wasn't so cute! Instead, I play along, pull the covers over my head and say, "Go away, Anna!" You sigh and say, "Sky wake so I wake." Then you pull my arm and I sit up and pretend to shoot snow and ice everywhere. I "accidentally" shoot you in the head and you collapse face-down on the floor. We continue reenacting the scene from the movie until I pick you up and rush you to the trolls' home, a.k.a. the hallway outside of my room. Hehe :)


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