Friday, January 5, 2018

15 Questions

Dear Lila,

For fun, I asked you a bunch of questions at breakfast this morning and these were your unfiltered responses:

What is something I say a lot? I love you.

What makes me happy? Me.

What makes me sad? GuhGaw. (Hahaha! You probably said this because GuhGaw had been misbehaving all morning and I had yelled at him.)

How tall am I? 40.

What is my favorite thing to do? Hang out with me.

What is my favorite food? Coffee.

What is my favorite drink? Coffee.

If I could go anywhere, where would I go? Vacation.

How do I annoy you? (When you didn't understand that, I rephrased it to "What do I do that bothers you?") Nothing. (Awww!)

What is my favorite TV show? Cooking shows.

What is my favorite music to listen to? Classical.

What is my job? To take care of kids.

How old am I? 100. (Umm, not quite!)

What is my favorite color? Purple.

How much do you love me? You stretched your arms out as much as you could and said, "This much!" (Right back at ya, babe!)


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