Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Tapped Out

Dear Lila,

After you came home from school today, I changed you into your tap class leotard and tights and took you to class. When we arrived at the building, the elevator that takes us up to the dance studio had an "out of order" sign on it. So we walked to the door that leads to the stairs that go up to the dance studio and that door had a sign on it that said the buzzer to the dance studio was broken. So, um, there was no way to get to the studio or let anyone in the studio know that we were downstairs waiting. And it was FREEZING outside. Two of your classmates soon showed up and their parents were equally confused as to how we were supposed to get to class. I found the number to the reception desk and called . . . and called . . . and called. But no one answered. Another mom checked her emails and there it was: We had missed the part that said that the dance school's winter break was through January 2; classes would resume on January 3. The public schools started up again today so I had assumed that your dance class would, too. *sigh* I dragged you out into the freezing cold afternoon for nothing!

Then, on the walk back home, you suddenly had to pee very badly, even though you had gone before we left the house. We were nowhere near home or even PoiPoi's apartment, so I had to sneak you into a nearby grocery store's employee bathroom. We technically weren't supposed to be in there, plus the bathroom is the size of a postage stamp--there's barely room for the toilet and sink, much less two people wearing puffy winter coats and carrying bulky purses and backpacks. So we're in this crawl space of a bathroom and I somehow have to take off (and find somewhere to put) your parka, scarf, hat and backpack and oh yeah, you can't even just pull down your pants and go because you are wearing a FRIGGEN LEOTARD, so I also have to find the room to bend down and pull down your pants, tights and leotard, all while you are wiggling and whining and I am freaking out because I don't want you to wet yourself and then go back out in the cold . . . there was really no room in the bathroom, so I ended up throwing all of the winter gear and bags on a hummus display next to the bathroom and I had to leave the door open while I peeled off your clothes because that was the only way I was going to have room to bend down and reach them. I don't know if any customers or employees saw but I was too stressed out to care at that point.

Good news, I took off everything in time and you peed in the toilet and not on yourself, we didn't get in trouble for using a non-public restroom and the manager didn't approach us afterward and ban us from the store. But gah, all of that when we didn't even have to leave the house!

Mom (who will check school vacation dates more closely from now on)

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