Sunday, January 14, 2018

Star Reader

Dear Lila,

One of the truly magical things I have witnessed has been watching first GuhGaw and now you learn how to read. I have been a passionate reader ever since I was little (I had to start wearing glasses when I was 8 years old because I constantly read in the dark after I was supposed to go to sleep) and I am so happy that all of my kids love to read as much as I do. You have always enjoyed looking at books and being read to and I am so excited for all of the books that will become accessible to you as you become a better reader.

I am also excited to see how excited you are about becoming a better reader. Your school regularly tests your reading level and you came home the other day and proudly told me that you are now reading at a C level (A is the first level and then you move up from there). You said, "Before my birthday, Mrs. Ryf asked me to read this book but I couldn't. Then after my birthday, my real birthday*, she asked me to read it and I could! She gave me a hug and said I was an amazing reader!"

I am so proud of you, sweetie!


*For your 5th birthday, we had a birthday party with friends and family in early December, a birthday party at school the week before winter break started, a small cake at home on your actual birthday and then our celebration at American Girl Place the day after your birthday, so you got a little confused as to when your "real" birthday was, haha!

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