Monday, August 10, 2015

Endless Appetite

Dear Lila,

Between 7am and 11am this morning, you consumed a bowl of cereal, 7 ounces of milk, some of my oatmeal, a handful of almonds, half a banana, a third of a scallion pancake and a cup of rice pudding. When you asked me for a cheese stick and I said you couldn't eat anything else until lunchtime, you burst into tears. I felt so bad, I caved and gave you a cheese stick and you finished it.

When it was eventually lunchtime, you happily polished off a bowl of orange slices and a plate of sauteed beef and green beans as if you hadn't eaten anything all morning. You also had some more milk. Wow. I always joke that you have a hollow leg but the truth is, you probably have two!


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