Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sibling Scares

Dear Lila,

This afternoon, I put your baby brother in his bassinet and left you with him while I went to the bathroom. I've done that multiple times and it's been fine--you talk and sing and keep him company while I'm gone. When I came out of the bathroom today, though, you looked up at me and said, "Look, Mommy!" and I saw that you were pressing DiDi's stuffed duck over his nose and mouth--no, Lila! I don't know how long you'd been pressing it on his face but DiDi was thankfully okay.

Earlier this summer, you and GuhGaw were playing on the couch and he pressed a couch cushion on top of your face. I was upstairs pumping breastmilk and who knows what would've happened if PoiPoi hadn't gone downstairs and seen you guys. Dear lord, if my kids could please stop trying to suffocate each other, that would be really great.


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