Thursday, August 13, 2015

Favorite Princesses

Dear Lila,

Your favorite Disney princess is Belle. You and your baby Belle doll were inseparable when you first got her, you were so excited when Daddy and I bought you your own Belle dress and when Daddy took you to see the Disney Live fairy tales show earlier this year, all you talked about afterward was seeing Belle, even though Cinderella and Snow White were in it, too (in fact, you called it the "Belle show.")

Recently, you have also become enthralled with "Sofia the First" after I let you watch a couple episodes of the show. Now, you always ask to watch the show, constantly declare that you love Sofia and light up whenever you see any type of Sofia merchandise when we're at a store. You've already told me that you want to be Sofia for Halloween and asked for a Sofia-themed birthday party.

And so this morning, when Belle was featured in the episode of Sofia the First that you were watching and your two favorite princesses were onscreen together, I was pretty sure you were going to burst from your excitement!

In other news from today, you did so well with potty training and went to the bathroom by yourself several times. And when I say by yourself, I mean that you totally went by yourself--and you even insisted on it. When you had to go to the bathroom, you shouted, "Pee pee!" and ran to the bathroom; if I followed you, you turned around, held up your hand and said, "No, by myself!" I was hesitant to let you go on your own but you rocked it. You were able to pull off your undies, climb onto the toilet (which is a little tall for you, but you managed to wiggle your body onto it), do your business, wipe yourself, flush and wash your hands all by yourself! You couldn't get your underwear back on afterward (it was hard for you to balance yourself and pull them back on while standing) but other than that, yay Lila!


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