Saturday, August 15, 2015

Terrible Towels

Dear Lila,

The good: As I mentioned a couple of days ago, you are fully capable of going to the bathroom by yourself.

The bad: I let you go to the bathroom on your own this afternoon and waited downstairs. You were in the bathroom for awhile, though, so I went upstairs to check on you and this is what I found: Instead of using toilet paper to wipe yourself, you had used half a roll of paper towels (we keep a roll on top of the toilet) to wipe yourself.

The ugly: You had thrown all of those paper towels into the toilet and I had to fish the giant wad of urine-soaked towels out with my hands.

It was a mess but I am so very thankful that at least you hadn't flushed and created an even bigger mess! Oh, and it's going to be awhile before I let you go to the bathroom by yourself again!


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