Tuesday, December 29, 2015

She's Got Skills

Dear Lila,

I am so proud of everything you accomplished this past year. First and foremost, you became the *best* big sister! It makes me so happy to see how warm and loving you are toward your baby brother. Then you started school and have already learned so much: you can sing the entire alphabet song, recite "Patty Cake" and other nursery rhymes and recognize almost all of the letters and numbers and point them out to me (especially when you see the letter L--you point to it and exclaim, "L for Lila!"). You are also speaking with longer and more complex sentences (at home, anyway--you still become mute as soon as we walk out the door), though I still like the ones you jumble, like "Why him no talking?"

This year, you transitioned into a toddler bed, became potty trained and learned to go to the bathroom without any help  (Yay! But for awhile there, SO. Many. Accidents!), started taking ballet (you are so good at balancing on your toes now), made your first best friend (you and Ellie were in Moms & Tots together last year and now you are in ballet and nursery school together and you two have become so tight!) and have continued your record growth--you are 40 inches tall, 41.5 pounds and wearing size 6 clothing. According to your pediatrician, you are the height of a 4-year-old and the weight of a 5-year-old!


Monday, December 28, 2015

First Mani/Pedi

Dear Lila,

I hadn't planned on painting your nails until you were a little older but you've been interested in getting your nails done (both your nanny and your friend Cleo get regular manicures and you always admire them), so I took you out for a special birthday mani/pedi yesterday. Since you are still incredibly shy, you didn't say a single word to the manicurist (and she tried so hard to get you to talk to her!) but you did at least point to the color of polish you wanted and whispered to me ever softly what designs you liked. You picked out a light baby blue polish (the same color as Elsa's dress in Frozen) and got a snowflake design on your fingernails and polka dots on your toes. Afterward, you looked very happy with your cute nails!

We wrapped up the morning with pizza and brownies from our favorite pizzeria and a visit to the party store to get you a Sofia balloon. I hope you enjoyed your birthday, sweetheart!


Sunday, December 27, 2015

You're Three Years Old!

Dear Lila,

Rice is one of your favorite foods and when PoiPoi was eating fried rice for lunch the other day, you asked her for some. PoiPoi shared her rice with you and then asked if she should save the rest for you. You replied, "No, save it for Mama." I was nursing your baby brother on the couch at the time and hadn't said anything and it touched me so much that you were thinking of me.

Your thoughtfulness touched me, but it did not surprise me because you have always been so sweet and considerate. You play and share so nicely with other kids. If you see me get hurt, you immediately ask me, "You ok?" When DiDi is crying, you run over to him, pat him and say, "Sawyer, I here! It's okay! I love you!" (And when that doesn't soothe him, you call out to me, "DiDi crying! DiDi crying!")

Every night, I ask you, "Who is my favorite little girl?" Then you smile and chirp, "Me!" And that is and will forever be true. You are my #1 girl and to paraphrase one of your favorite bedtime books, I Love You Through and Through, I love your kind side, your brave side, your nurturing side and your silly side. I love your giggles, the funny faces you make and the way you mispronounce words like "bloon" (balloon) and "ockypuss" (octopus). I love that you love school (you always ask to go to school and get so disappointed when it's not a school day), that you like so many foods most little kids do not (i.e. steamed crabs and roasted salmon) and that you enjoy watching monster trucks ("Blaze and the Monster Machines") as much as you enjoy watching princesses ("Sofia the First"). I especially love how happy you look when the two of us get to cuddle--I love our cuddles, too!

Over the past three years, you have grown into an amazing daughter, sister, friend and person and I am so happy and proud to be your mama. Happy birthday, Lilabear!


Saturday, December 19, 2015

Bad Week

Dear Lila,

The saying that bad things come in threes came true this week when you got walloped by a trio of illnesses. Last weekend, you came down with a fever and red eyes that still hadn't gone away by Monday, so we took you to the pediatrician and found out you got pinkeye. Treatment for that requires me to put painful eye drops into your eyes twice a day for 10 days, which you obviously do not enjoy. You run and hide in a corner, cry, scream and cover your eyes when you see me with the eye drop bottle, so I literally have to sit on top of you and pry your eyes open while PoiPoi or Daddy holds your head still. Oye.

On Tuesday, you woke up with rashes all over your body so we took you back to the doctor and discovered that you also had strep. So in addition to eye drops, you have to take an antibiotic twice a day--at least that I can hide in a cup of orange juice.

You seemed better on Thursday so you were able to go to school, which I was happy about because it was the day of your class birthday party. Daddy and I came to your class and I talked to your classmates about you, read one of your favorite books, I Love You Through and Through, to them and brought everyone Sofia the First cupcakes.

Your school holiday show was yesterday but unfortunately, we couldn't make it. At your party on Thursday, I noticed that you were walking strangely and kind of balancing on the outer edges of your feet. That evening, you complained that your feet hurt and crawled around everywhere instead of walking. There weren't any bruises or bumps on your feet so I just put you to bed and hoped the pain would be gone in the morning. But it wasn't. Your feet hurt so much that you couldn't even stand up without whimpering and buckling in pain, so Daddy took you to the emergency room. You poor thing, you were there from 10 in the morning until 6:30 at night while the doctors ran test after test. And after an entire day of tests and waiting in a boring hospital room, all they could come up with was that you likely had a viral infection that was causing you joint and muscle pain. They gave you some ibuprofen and thankfully, you woke up this morning feeling fine and have been walking normally.

There was a fourth "bad" thing, too--even though it is December, it has been so warm (hello, climate change) that you actually got three huge mosquito bites on your face earlier in the week. But those are clearing up, your eyes are not red anymore, you're getting over the strep and your feet don't hurt anymore. Whew, you powered through it all!


Friday, December 11, 2015

All The Things You Said

Dear Lila,

Funny and cute things you said this week:

-You were playing with DiDi in his room this morning when you heard me walking down the stairs, so you called out to me, "You forgot me and DiDi!"

-You hugged your baby brother and said, "I hug him because he special."

-GuhGaw was reading a number book to you and teaching you the different numbers. Halfway into it, you beamed at him and told him, "I love you."

-While I was shopping at Duane Reade, you asked for a toy car you saw on a display rack and I gave it to you to play with while I finished shopping. I've done that before and just put the car back before we leave the store. But I forgot to put it back today so after I paid and walked out the door, you called out, "Uh-oh, you forgot this!" Oops! And then we ran right back into the store to return it.

-I was helping you wash your hands and you just randomly said to me, "I want to be 30 and grown up." Wanna switch places with me? :-)

-One day after school, I asked you if you'd played with your friend Cleo. You said no so I asked you who you'd played with and you replied, "I play with the bad boys." What now? Do I need to lock you up already?!
