Monday, December 28, 2015

First Mani/Pedi

Dear Lila,

I hadn't planned on painting your nails until you were a little older but you've been interested in getting your nails done (both your nanny and your friend Cleo get regular manicures and you always admire them), so I took you out for a special birthday mani/pedi yesterday. Since you are still incredibly shy, you didn't say a single word to the manicurist (and she tried so hard to get you to talk to her!) but you did at least point to the color of polish you wanted and whispered to me ever softly what designs you liked. You picked out a light baby blue polish (the same color as Elsa's dress in Frozen) and got a snowflake design on your fingernails and polka dots on your toes. Afterward, you looked very happy with your cute nails!

We wrapped up the morning with pizza and brownies from our favorite pizzeria and a visit to the party store to get you a Sofia balloon. I hope you enjoyed your birthday, sweetheart!


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