Tuesday, December 29, 2015

She's Got Skills

Dear Lila,

I am so proud of everything you accomplished this past year. First and foremost, you became the *best* big sister! It makes me so happy to see how warm and loving you are toward your baby brother. Then you started school and have already learned so much: you can sing the entire alphabet song, recite "Patty Cake" and other nursery rhymes and recognize almost all of the letters and numbers and point them out to me (especially when you see the letter L--you point to it and exclaim, "L for Lila!"). You are also speaking with longer and more complex sentences (at home, anyway--you still become mute as soon as we walk out the door), though I still like the ones you jumble, like "Why him no talking?"

This year, you transitioned into a toddler bed, became potty trained and learned to go to the bathroom without any help  (Yay! But for awhile there, SO. Many. Accidents!), started taking ballet (you are so good at balancing on your toes now), made your first best friend (you and Ellie were in Moms & Tots together last year and now you are in ballet and nursery school together and you two have become so tight!) and have continued your record growth--you are 40 inches tall, 41.5 pounds and wearing size 6 clothing. According to your pediatrician, you are the height of a 4-year-old and the weight of a 5-year-old!


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